Showing posts with label presidential. Show all posts
Showing posts with label presidential. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Rudy Giuliani Turns Back On Pro-Life Voters

"HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - Rudy Giuliani strongly defended his support for abortion rights in the heart of the largely pro-life South yesterday while fielding questions that have dogged him since last week's Republican presidential debate."

Excerpt: Read full article Here

"I don't intend to change either one of those positions," he said during a press conference outside the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. "There has to be a right to choose." Rudy Giuliani, 09 May 2007, New York Post

Rudy Giuliani has decided to turn his back on the pro-life movement in the hopes that he can recover the Conservative votes by getting even more liberal votes. His very clear and strong statements on Tuesday in Alabama drew the line in the sand that he is pro-abortion. His side of the line will be empty of Conservatives. Rudy Giuliani fails the Conservative test on all counts, and his liberal stance on all other Conservative issues will continue to find him alone from Conservatives who hold firm the Republican base. His drawing of his own line in the sand shows a clear signal that the Conservative voices throughout America are being heard and will continue to get louder. He is on the defensive and will stay there with the Republican base.

"But it increasingly looks as though the pro-life movement will have no choice but to oppose his nomination." Editors, 10 May 2007, The National Review

Monday, May 7, 2007

Rudy Giuliani Stands Firm on Pro-Abortion Views

Rudy Guiliani has a long history for others to examine. We will continue to show that on all key issues, he is actually consistent and quite proud of his Liberal policies. A great thing about a politician with a history in politics is being able to examine in their own words or deeds just where they stand on issues.

Just this past week, Rudy Guiliani proudly re-stated his belief that US Taxpayer money should be spent to publically fund Abortions. This is not conservative and this is not representative of a Republican Leader.

Reference CNN video

Alternate Reference CNN video

The Conservatives and Republican base are speaking loudly and will not accept a Liberal nomination for the Republican Presidential Nomination. The grassroots efforts continue to grow and a resounding "No Rudy" is being heard loud and clear. Will Rudy Giuliani pull out before the Primaries? He does not and will not get the support of Conservatives. Without this support, his efforts will be fruitless.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Early Bird Gets The Liberal

Voters across Amercia are waking up to the Liberal Record of Rudy Giuliani. Someone who is pro-abortion, pro-gun control, and pro-immigration simply cannot pass themselves off as nothing less than a Liberal, and in most cases they are usually found only amongst the Democrats.

What does Rudy think about Pro-Life, Pro-Gun and Pro Liberty Americans?

"And then I think our party, our party has to get beyond issues like that where we can have people who are very good people who have different views about this, they can all be Republican because our party is going to grow and we’re going to win in 2008 if we’re a party that is characterized for what we are for and not if we’re a party that’s known for what we are against. …” (Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Campaign Event, Des Moines IA, 4/14/07)”

We won't be getting over these issues, and the harder you push, the harder we're pushing back!