Monday, May 7, 2007

Rudy Giuliani Stands Firm on Pro-Abortion Views

Rudy Guiliani has a long history for others to examine. We will continue to show that on all key issues, he is actually consistent and quite proud of his Liberal policies. A great thing about a politician with a history in politics is being able to examine in their own words or deeds just where they stand on issues.

Just this past week, Rudy Guiliani proudly re-stated his belief that US Taxpayer money should be spent to publically fund Abortions. This is not conservative and this is not representative of a Republican Leader.

Reference CNN video

Alternate Reference CNN video

The Conservatives and Republican base are speaking loudly and will not accept a Liberal nomination for the Republican Presidential Nomination. The grassroots efforts continue to grow and a resounding "No Rudy" is being heard loud and clear. Will Rudy Giuliani pull out before the Primaries? He does not and will not get the support of Conservatives. Without this support, his efforts will be fruitless.

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